Application of heterogeneous computing systems for solving the hydraulic conductivity identification problem


  • A.V. Elesin
  • A.Sh. Kadyrova


minimization of residual function
inverse problem
parallel algorithms
heterogeneous computing systems


A model problem of hydraulic conductivity identification is considered. The solution of this problem requires a large computational cost that can be reduced essentially with the aid of heterogeneous computing systems.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.V. Elesin

Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of «Kazan Scientific Center of RAS»
2/31, Lobachevsky str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
• Senior Researcher

A.Sh. Kadyrova

Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of «Kazan Scientific Center of RAS»
2/31, Lobachevsky str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
• Researcher


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