Knot insertion and knot removal matrices for nonpolynomial splines


  • A.A. Makarov


biorthogonal systems
decomposition matrix
reconstruction matrix
subdivision scheme
knot insertion and removal algorithms
spline curve


Continuously differentiable splines of second order on a nonuniform grid are constructed. Formulas of polynomial and nonpolynomial (trigonometric and hyperbolic) are given. Calibration relations expressing the coordinate splines on the original grid as a linear combination of splines of the same type on a refined grid and calibration relations representing the coordinate splines on an enlarged grid as a linear combination of splines of the same type on the original grid are obtained. Knot insertion and knot removal matrices on an interval and on a segment for splines associated with infinite and finite nonuniform grids respectively are constructed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

A.A. Makarov

St Petersburg University,
Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty
Universitetsky prospekt, 28, Peterhof, St. Petersburg, 198504, Russia
• Assistant


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