Efficient numerical methods for the analysis of electromagnetic fields


  • D.Yu. Knyazkov


parallel algorithms
cluster computations
holography simulation


The large-size problem of electromagnetic fields synthesis (containing 108 and more radiating objects) for holographic lithography needs is considered. The performance and scalability analysis carried out for some numerical methods on MVS-100K JSCC RAS and MIIT T4700 clusters showed that these methods cannot be used when creating a real-size chip on the state-of-the-art HPC systems. The specially designed Big Pixel method was implemented as a part of a parallel software package. This method allows calculating the Gabor hologram for the real-size chip topology on the existing clusters. An example of Gabor hologram synthesis for the topology consisting of 1.6 x 109 elements is discussed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

D.Yu. Knyazkov


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