Calculation of molecular complexation free energy by thermodynamic integration with harmonic restrictions on atomic coordinates


  • F.V. Grigoriev


free energy of complex formation
thermodynamic integration


A new method for calculating the Gibbs free energy of intermolecular complex formation using the thermodynamic integration method with harmonic restrictions on atomic coordinates is proposed. The molecular dynamic trajectory for the thermodynamic integration is obtained using the MMFF94 force filed for calculating the energy of interaction between atoms. It is shown that the method provides the correct calculation of the free energy term from the harmonic restriction and minimizes the fluctuations during the integration procedure. The free energy for benzene-cyclodextrine host-guest complex formation is determined.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

F.V. Grigoriev


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 How to cite   
Markelova T.V. and Snytnikov V.N. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012. 13, No 3. 443–451.


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. , (2012) “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 443–451.


T. Markelova and V. Snytnikov, “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming 13, no. 3 (2012): 443–451


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012;13(3):443–451.(In Russ.).


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