Simulation of multi-material hydrodynamic flows using adaptive mesh refinement


  • M.E. Povarnitsyn
  • A.S. Zakharenkov
  • P.R. Levashov
  • K.V. Khishchenko


adaptive meshes
multi-material flows
parallel computing


A hydrodynamic multi-material model combined with a procedure of block-structured meshes construction implemented in the Chombo package is considered. The application of adaptive meshes allows one to efficiently redistribute computer resources as well as to save the machine memory when solving multi-dimensional problems.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

M.E. Povarnitsyn

A.S. Zakharenkov

P.R. Levashov

K.V. Khishchenko


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 How to cite   
Povarnitsyn M.E., Zakharenkov A.S., Levashov P.R. and Khishchenko K.V. Simulation of multi-material hydrodynamic flows using adaptive mesh refinement // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012. 13, No 3. 424–433.


Povarnitsyn M. , Zakharenkov A. , Levashov P. et al., (2012) “Simulation of multi-material hydrodynamic flows using adaptive mesh refinement,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 424–433.


M. Povarnitsyn, A. Zakharenkov, P. Levashov et al., “Simulation of multi-material hydrodynamic flows using adaptive mesh refinement,” Numerical Methods and Programming 13, no. 3 (2012): 424–433


Povarnitsyn M. , Zakharenkov A. , Levashov P. et al. Simulation of multi-material hydrodynamic flows using adaptive mesh refinement. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012;13(3):424–433.(In Russ.).