Monte Carlo statistical simulation of translational nonequilibrium of a gas mixture in the shock front with the use of multiprocessor computers
S.V. Kulikov
P.K. Berzigiarov
крупнозернистый и мелкозернистый параллелизм
газовая смесь
нестационарный метод статистического моделирования
стационарная ударная волна
распределение частиц по скоростям
Two approaches to parallel computations using Monte Carlo nonstationary statistical simulation are described. These approaches are based on coarse and fine grain parallelisms. Both of them are applied to the problem of shock wave. Parallelization is performed without considerable changes in the algorithm under consideration. The first approach is the pure parallelism and it is in good agreement with the statistical nature of the problem. In this case, there is almost no limitation on the number of employed processors. The second approach (the fine grain parallelism) is effective at the nonstationary stage of the process.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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