Parallel research code NOISEtte for large-scale CFD and CAA simulations


  • I.V. Abalakin
  • A.V. Gorobets
  • A.P. Duben
  • T.K. Kozubskaya
  • P.A. Bakhvalov


fluid dynamics
parallel computing


NOISEtte is a parallel computing code based on high-order vertex-centered numerical schemes for unstructured meshes. It is designed for the computational fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics simulations using tens of thousands of CPU cores of a supercomputer. The underlying numerical methods and models including spatial discretization, time integration, turbulence models, and far-field acoustic models are briefly outlined. The program implementation issues are considered in details. A special attention is paid to the two-level MPI+OpenMP parallelization.





Section 2. Programming

Author Biographies

I.V. Abalakin

A.V. Gorobets

A.P. Duben

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS
• Junior Researcher, Graduate Student

T.K. Kozubskaya

P.A. Bakhvalov


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 How to cite   
Markelova T.V. and Snytnikov V.N. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012. 13, No 3. 443–451.


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. , (2012) “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 443–451.


T. Markelova and V. Snytnikov, “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming 13, no. 3 (2012): 443–451


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012;13(3):443–451.(In Russ.).


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