A software complex for the analysis and visualization of monitoring and forecast of data on climate changes


  • I.G. Okladnikov
  • A.V. Skvortsov
  • A.G. Titov
  • T.M. Shul'gina
  • E.P. Gordov
  • V.Yu. Bogomolov
  • Yu.V. Martynova
  • S.P. Syshchenko


climate change monitoring
information systems
Web-GIS technologies


A software complex for the analysis and visualization of monitoring and forecast of data on climate changes is considered. The complex is based on Web 2.0 and GIS technologies and on the Internet-access to mathematical models and geophysical data and consists of a special web-portal, a modular computational core, software modules for geophysical data processing and visualization, a set of PHP-controllers, and a JavaScript-library for the development of typical elements of graphical interface of Web-GIS applications based on open-source software Geoserver and GeoExt.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

I.G. Okladnikov

A.V. Skvortsov

A.G. Titov

T.M. Shul'gina

E.P. Gordov

V.Yu. Bogomolov

Yu.V. Martynova

S.P. Syshchenko


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