Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls


  • E.A. Berendeev
  • A.V. Snytnikov
  • E.A. Berendeev
  • G.G. Lazareva


particle-in-cell method
parallel programming
simulation of physical processes
plasma physics


The problem of simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls is considered. The model is proposed on the basis of the particle-in-cell method. The complexity of the processes under study and a required high accuracy of results necessitate the development of a highly scalable computational algorithm. The algorithm must be capable of computing billions of particle trajectories in reasonable time. In order to achieve a uniform and complete workload of computational nodes of a supercomputer, the mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian decomposition is used. A dynamical timestep is taken into account. This approach results in a high scalability and in a significant decrease of computational time. This work was supported by SB RAS integration project number 105 and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects nos. 11–01–00178, 11–01–00249, and 12–07–00065). This paper was recommended for publishing by the Program Committee of the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PCT-2013;





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

E.A. Berendeev

A.V. Snytnikov

E.A. Berendeev

G.G. Lazareva


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 How to cite   
Berendeev E.A., Snytnikov A.V., Berendeev E.A. and Lazareva G.G. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013. 14, No 1. 149–154.


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al., (2013) “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 149–154.


E. Berendeev, A. Snytnikov, E. Berendeev et al., “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming 14, no. 1 (2013): 149–154


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013;14(1):149–154.(In Russ.).


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