Spatial modeling of breaking effects in nonlinear plasma oscillations
S.V. Milyutin
A.A. Frolov
E.V. Chizhonkov
plasma oscillations
breaking effect
finite difference method
supercomputing simulation
Previously, the authors numerically and analytically studied the effect of off-axis breaking of relativistic and nonrelativistic cylindrical axisymmetric nonlinear plasma oscillations in the framework of a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model. In this paper, the explicit method of second order accuracy in Eulerian variables is implemented for a two-dimensional simulation of this effect on computers with distributed memory. The numerical results obtained on the «Chebyshev» MSU supercomputer complex using a hybrid parallel code are discussed. These results can be compared with the results obtained in the framework of the one-dimensional model.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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