Spatial modeling of breaking effects in nonlinear plasma oscillations


  • S.V. Milyutin
  • A.A. Frolov
  • E.V. Chizhonkov


plasma oscillations
breaking effect
finite difference method
supercomputing simulation


Previously, the authors numerically and analytically studied the effect of off-axis breaking of relativistic and nonrelativistic cylindrical axisymmetric nonlinear plasma oscillations in the framework of a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model. In this paper, the explicit method of second order accuracy in Eulerian variables is implemented for a two-dimensional simulation of this effect on computers with distributed memory. The numerical results obtained on the «Chebyshev» MSU supercomputer complex using a hybrid parallel code are discussed. These results can be compared with the results obtained in the framework of the one-dimensional model.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

S.V. Milyutin

«Rock Flow Dynamics»
• Senior Developer

A.A. Frolov

E.V. Chizhonkov


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