Highly dispersed medium sedimentation from air under pressure forces


  • K.I. Mikhailenko
  • Yu.R. Valeeva


multiphase systems
disperse medium
numerical simulation
high performance computing


The process of highly dispersed medium sedimentation under pressure forces is studied. A mathematical model that includes the coagulation of dispersed particles with an increase of concentration is proposed. The Stokes force directed from a disperse medium and the gravity force are exerted on disperse particles. The results of numerical simulation of disperse suspension sedimentation are discussed. It is shown that the coagulation of particles under pressure forces can be one of the mechanisms of disperse suspension sedimentation. An MPI parallelization is implemented, which enables us to conduct a number of numerical experiments using large space-time grids.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

K.I. Mikhailenko

Yu.R. Valeeva


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