On one inverse problem of quantitative electron probe microanalysis
D.V. Zotyev
A.G. Yagola
M.N. Filippov
обратные задачи
уравнения Фредгольма первого рода
итерационные алгоритмы
математическое моделирование
рентгеноспектральный микроанализ
конечно-разностные аппроксимации
A method for the tracer-free experimental determination of the function generating the in-depth characteristic X-ray used for evaluation of component concentrations in electron probe microanalysis is considered. Application of our method brings about to an inverse problem for a Fredholm equation of the first kind. An algorithm for solving this problem is proposed; the algorithm is based on the information given a priori and physical restrictions imposed on the sought-for function.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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