A framework for the ocean-ice-atmosphere-land coupled modeling on massively-parallel architectures


  • V.V. Kalmykov
  • R.A. Ibraev


Earth system modeling
massively-parallel applications
parallel I/O
large-scale problems
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The paper presents a new software for the coupled modeling of the ocean-ice-atmosphere-soil system (SCM OIAS) on massive-parallel computers. The paper provides a brief overview of the historical development of co-simulation technology and the state-of-the-art in this area. The architecture of SCM OIAS is described. The key part of SCM OIAS (the coupler) is designed for coupling the components in a single executable MPI-program. The main tasks of the coupler include the synchronization of coupled model components, the exchange of data between models, interpolation, and the work with the file system. The computational characteristics of the World ocean-Global atmosphere coupled model governed by SCM OIAS has been tested. The results of tests for the key coupler functions (the data exchange with the parallel interpolation and the work with the file system) demonstrate a high efficiency of the coupler. The paper is recommended for publication by the Program Committee of the International Scientific Conference «Scientific Service in Internet: All Incarnations of Parallelism» (http://agora.guru.ru/abrau2013).





Section 2. Programming

Author Biographies

V.V. Kalmykov

R.A. Ibraev


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