Development of a software package for 3D modeling of multiphase multicomponent flows in nuclear power engineering


  • S.V. Dyachenko


multiphase flows
multicomponent flows
compressible flows
numerical simulation
parallel computing
software packages
nuclear power engineering


Some theoretical and practical aspects related to the development of a software package for 3D modeling of multiphase multicomponent flows in nuclear power engineering are considered. A particular attention is paid to the construction of a generic model of relations between the mass, velocity, energy, volume fraction, and material components of the flow, to finding the equilibrium pressure of phases of heterogeneous systems, and to performing uniform computing for mixtures of strongly compressible phases and weakly compressible phases in a wide range of the Mach numbers. An approach to data pre-processing and post-processing is discussed. Preliminary code parallelization metrics (speed-up, efficiency, and cost of computations) are also presented.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

S.V. Dyachenko


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