Selection of detail levels at continuous surface simplification of polygonal objects


  • S.S. Sadykov
  • A.A. Zakharov


уровень детальности
полигональные объекты
компьютерная графика


A method for selection of detail levels is proposed. The method relates the geometric complexity of a polygonal object to the distance from the object to a spectator. A brief survey of currently available algorithms intended for decreasing the geometric complexity is given. A new algorithm for simplification of a polygonal model with the use of sequential deletion of object’s vertices is considered. A ratio that relates the number of deleted vertices to the distance between an object and a spectator is obtained. The detail level can uniquely be determined on the basis of this ratio.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

S.S. Sadykov

A.A. Zakharov


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