Topic models: adding bigrams and taking account of the similarity between unigrams and bigrams
M.A. Nokel
N.V. Loukachevitch
topic models
PLSA (Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis)
word association measures
topic coherence
The results of experimental study of adding bigrams and taking account of the similarity between them and unigrams are discussed. A novel PLSA-SIM algorithm based on a modification of the original PLSA (Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis) algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm incorporates bigrams and takes into account the similarity between them and unigram components. Various word association measures are analyzed to integrate top-ranked bigrams into topic models. As target text collections, articles from various Russian electronic banking magazines, English parts of parallel corpora Europarl and JRC-Acquiz, and the English digital archive of research papers in computational linguistics (ACL Anthology) are chosen. The computational experiments show that there exists a subgroup of tested measures that produce top-ranked bigrams in such a way that their inclusion into the PLSA-SIM algorithm significantly improves the quality of topic models for all collections. A novel unsupervised iterative algorithm named PLSA-ITER is also proposed for adding the most relevant bigrams. The computational experiments show a further improvement in the quality of topic models compared to the PLSA algorithm.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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