Adaptive unstructured mesh generation methods for hydrogeological problems


  • A.V. Plenkin
  • A.Yu. Chernyshenko
  • V.N. Chugunov
  • I.V. Kapyrin


mesh generator
hydrogeological modeling
triangular-prismatic meshes
octree meshes


Two mesh generators embedded in the GeRa code for the solution of groundwater flow and radionuclide transport problems are discussed. The first one is a triangular-prismatic generator with the ability of cell degeneration; the second one is the polyhedral octree mesh generator implementing the cut-cell technology. These generators allow the user to automatically create conformal polyhedral adaptive grids in three-dimensional geological domains with consideration of complex boundaries, top and bottom geological layer surfaces, pinch-outs, and geological heterogeneities.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.V. Plenkin

A.Yu. Chernyshenko

V.N. Chugunov

I.V. Kapyrin


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