Methods and concepts of vortex flow visualization in the problems of computational fluid dynamics
K.N. Volkov
V.N. Emelyanov
I.V. Teterina
M.S. Yakovchuk
scientific visualization
computational fluid dynamics
fluid flow
vector field
tensor field
A number of concepts and methods for the visual representation of numerical results obtained when solving fluid and gas dynamics problems related to the simulation of vortex flows are considered. Approaches to the visualization of vortex flows based on the use of various definitions and criteria of vortex identification are discussed. Examples of visual representation of the solutions to some fluid and gas dynamics problems requiring the calculation of vortex flows in jets, channels and cavities as well as separated flows arising from the flow over bodies of different shapes are given. Visualization of the results obtained with the vortex resolved methods for turbulence simulations are also discussed.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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