2D and 3D algorithms of introcontinuation


  • Yu.V. Glasko


Berezkin’s complete normalized gradient
finite-difference complete normalized gradient
Dirichlet problem
Laplace equation
Poisson equation
mathematical model
inverse problem


The introcontinuation of a potential field for the localization of sources in the field’s anomalies is discussed. A mathematical model of the field is proposed on the basis of the Dirichlet problem with a condition on the day surface. New 2D and 3D algorithms are developed to determine the critical points for the field continued into the lower half-plane. These algorithms are based on a finite-difference approximation of Berezkin’s complete normalized gradient and on the determination of its critical points. Two versions of the finite-difference introcontinuation reduce a priori information requiring for the algorithms. A model experiment for the areal version (3D) procedure is considered to illustrate the determination of objects by the observed gravity field.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

Yu.V. Glasko


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