Frequency dependence simulation of electromagnetic characteristics for saturated porous media


  • D.A. Lisitsin
  • L.E. Dovgilovich


numerical simulation
electromagnetic properties
electromagnetic dispersion
saturated porous medium
electrical conductivity
dielectric permittivity


A method to perform numerical simulations of effective spectral electromagnetic characteristics for porous media saturated with multicomponent fluid is proposed. This method is applied to numerical models of porous media whose fluid component distribution is determined by the direct hydrodynamic simulation using the density functional method. The numerical results obtained for the effective electrical conductivity and relative dielectric permittivity of porous media with various water saturation values and rock wettability are discussed. The results obtained with consideration of the frequency dependence of one of the fluid components and without considering such a dependence are compared. The effect of the relation between the electrical characteristics of components in the model on the effective parameters is analyzed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

D.A. Lisitsin

L.E. Dovgilovich


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