On some properties of the projection operator for a class of stabilization algorithms


  • A.A. Kornev


numerical methods
projection operator


The projection operator Q[a] acting from the linear space of the functions a(x) ∈ span{sin ix, i ≥ 1} given on the segment [0,π] onto the subspace of the functions ã(x) ∈ span{sin ix, i > i0} is studied theoretically and numerically. The corresponding projection is performed along the subspace of the functions l(x) ∈ span{sin ix, i=1,...,i0}, where sin ix = χ δ(x)sin ix, χ δ(x) is the characteristic function χ δ(x) of the interval [0,δ]. The obtained results are used to solve the problem of stabilization with respect to the initial data of solutions to the model nonstationary equations.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

A.A. Kornev


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