TerMPS: software for preparing land surface parameter data used in land surface models and Earth system models
Anna A. Ryazanova
Vasiliy Yu. Bogomolov
Victor M. Stepanenko
Mikhail I. Varentsov
Aleksandr I. Medvedev
geospatial data
data aggregation
mathematical modeling
weather and climate
The land surface and the Earth system models provide for the use of various external data on the parameters of the underlying surface. These parameters serve as coefficients of differential equations for the transfer and transformation of heat, moisture and carbon categories in the surface layer. Modern sets of such parameters are contained in high-resolution geospatial data archives (e.g., 30'') and their use in the model requires aggregation onto a larger grid and coordination of parameters from different archives. Special software was developed to solve this problem. Such a tool makes it possible to create archives of land surface parameters on an arbitrary uniform latitude-longitude grid.
Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications
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