A parallel algorithm for computing surface currents in a screen electromagnetic diffraction problem


  • M.Yu. Medvedik
  • Yu.G. Smirnov
  • S.I. Sobolev


параллельный алгоритм
численный метод
интегро-дифферен-циальное уравнение
электромагнитная задача дифракции


A problem of electromagnetic diffraction on a perfectly conducting screen is considered. This problem is reduced to a pseudodifferential equation. A numerical method for solving this equation with basic functions is proposed. A parallel realization of this method is discussed and some numerical results are presented.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

M.Yu. Medvedik

Penza State University,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Nanotechnology and Radioelectronics

Yu.G. Smirnov

Penza State University,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Nanotechnology and Radioelectronics

S.I. Sobolev


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