Parallelization algorithms on fine-grid segments in three-phase fluid flow problems
D.A. Gubajdullin
A.I. Nikiforov
A.V. Tsepaev
фильтрация жидкостей
параллельные вычисления
сгущающиеся сетки
метод контрольных объемов
численные алгоритмы
The numerical parallelization algorithm earlier proposed by the authors for solving two-phase fluid flow problems is applied to solve a three-dimensional three-phase fluid flow problem on a coarse grid with fine-grid segments. This algorithm shows its efficiency with an increasing number of fine-grid segments. The numerical approximation of this problem is based on the control-volume method. The work was performed in the framework of Program N 14 for basic research established by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science under the title «Fundamental problems of computer science and information technologies».
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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