Data preparation, treatment and visualization for constructing holograms with the electron-beam installation ZBA-21


  • S.Yu. Serezhnikov Institute of Numerical Mathematics of RAS (INM RAS)


визуализация, голограммы, электронно-лучевая литография, растровый формат, векторный формат, микрорельефы, фотолитография


A program package was developed for the design and construction of computer-generated holograms with the aid of the technology based on electron-beam lithography (the installation ZBA-21 was used). The package allows one to visualize microreliefs prepared for exposition, to transform data from the raster format to the ZBA-format, and to form data sets for exposition of holograms from individual elements. The package is used at the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University to design computer-generated holograms.

Author Biography

S.Yu. Serezhnikov


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How to Cite

Сережников С. Data Preparation, Treatment and Visualization for Constructing Holograms With the Electron-Beam Installation ZBA-21 // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2002. 3. 110-115



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

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