Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks


  • T.V. Markelova
  • V.N. Snytnikov


self-gravitating circumstellar disk
particle-in-cell method
direct modeling method
formation of planetary embryos


A numerical model of dynamics for a massive self-gravitating protoplanetary is proposed with consideration of inelastic pair collisions of particles. In the conducted computing experiments with ring structures in a disk, it is shown that the mass range change of particles occurs with the reproduction of the ring structure. It is found that the released thermal energy in bodies is maximal for bodies of small mass. This work was supported by the Integration project SB RAS (coordinator Acad. Mikhailenko B.G.) and the Presidium programs RAS NN 21, 22, 28.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

T.V. Markelova

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of SB RAS
• Junior Researcher, Graduate Student

V.N. Snytnikov

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of SB RAS
• Senior Researcher, Docent


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 How to cite   
Markelova T.V. and Snytnikov V.N. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012. 13, No 3. 443–451.


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. , (2012) “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 443–451.


T. Markelova and V. Snytnikov, “Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks,” Numerical Methods and Programming 13, no. 3 (2012): 443–451


Markelova T. and Snytnikov V. Simulation of planet formation in circumstellar disks. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2012;13(3):443–451.(In Russ.).


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