Issues of parallel software development for the domain decomposition methods


  • Y.L. Gurieva
  • D.V. Perevozkin


domain decomposition method
parallel algorithm
data structures
numerical experiment


Various aspects of parallel software development for the domain decomposition methods are considered: the application of MPI programming technology for cluster systems, the choice points in the design of parallel programs for the domain decomposition methods, the need to implement a matrix action without its explicit representation, the work with index sets in the software implementation of restriction and continuation operators as well as in the data exchange between subdomains. On a series of numerical experiments for a model problem, the questions of the best choice of the configuration of launching an executable program on a cluster are studied to minimize the computation time and a strategy for performing such experiments is proposed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

Y.L. Gurieva

D.V. Perevozkin


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