SAT-based analysis of SHA-3 competition finalists
Oleg S. Zaikin
Vadim V. Davydov
Anastasia P. Kiryanova
Boolean satisfiability problem
SAT solver
model checking
cryptographic hash function
preimage attack
SHA-3 competition
SHA-3 competition was held to develop a new standard cryptographic hash funcion. In the present study, finalists of SHA-3 are considered. All of them are still preimage resistant — i.e., it is infeasible to find their outputs given inputs. Preimage resistance of round-reduced versions of the functions is investigated. The corresponding problems are reduced to the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) via the CBMC model checker for programs written in C. To solve the constructed SAT instances, the state-of-the-art SAT solver Kissat is applied. Compared to previously published results, for four out of five SHA-3 finalists preimages were found for harder round-reduced versions.
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