Restoration of smeared and defocused color images


  • A.G. Yagola
  • N.A. Koshev


image restoration
defocused images
smeared images
Tikhonov’s regularization method
integral equations
convolution-type equations


The images subjected to additive space-invariant distortions are considered. The problem of their restoration can be reduced to solving a convolution-type integral equation. This equation is solved by regularization algorithms used for ill-posed problems. A method based on Tikhonov’s functional minimization is discussed. Its computer implementation and several numerical examples are described for the case of image restoration. Keywords: image restoration, defocused images, smeared images, Tikhonov’s regularization method, integral equations, convolution-type equations





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.G. Yagola

N.A. Koshev


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