Acid effect on multilayer oil reservoirs


  • T.R. Zakirov
  • A.I. Nikiforov


numerical algorithms
implicit finite-difference schemes


The effect of hydrochloric acid on a layered heterogeneous stratum is considered. In order to describe the changes in the filtration-capacitance properties of a porous medium, a model is used in the form of a bundle of cylindrical capillaries of various radii. A formula to determine the increasing rate of the radius of a pore channel is proposed, depending on its radius, a filtration rate, and the diffusion coefficient. The resulting system of equations is solved by a finite volume method on a uniform grid.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

T.R. Zakirov

Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of «Kazan Scientific Center of RAS»
2/31, Lobachevsky str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
• PhD Student

A.I. Nikiforov

Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of «Kazan Scientific Center of RAS»
2/31, Lobachevsky str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
• Head of Laboratory


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 How to cite   
Berendeev E.A., Snytnikov A.V., Berendeev E.A. and Lazareva G.G. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013. 14, No 1. 149–154.


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al., (2013) “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 149–154.


E. Berendeev, A. Snytnikov, E. Berendeev et al., “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming 14, no. 1 (2013): 149–154


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013;14(1):149–154.(In Russ.).


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