The source control in the problem of heat conduction


  • V.A. Morozov
  • N.M. Tokarev
  • V.G. Lezhnev


heat conduction
boundary value problems
inverse problem of heat conduction
control of distributed parameters


For the heat conduction equation, a boundary value problem that consists in determining the density of volume sources which provides a prescribed final (T > 0) temperature distribution is considered. The correctness of the problem is proved, a convergent algorithm is constructed, and an algorithm for solving the inverse problem of heat conduction is proposed. The work was performed in the framework of the target program (project 2.1.1/1292) and was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 11–01–96511a and 13–01–00096a).





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

V.A. Morozov

N.M. Tokarev

V.G. Lezhnev


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