Upwind and standard leapfrog difference schemes
A.I. Sukhinov
A.E. Chistyakov
E.A. Protsenko
transfer problem
Standard Leapfrog scheme
Upwind Leapfrog scheme
linear weighted combination
increasing of accuracy
In order to solve the transfer problem, it is proposed to use the scheme based on a linear combination of the Upwind and Standard Leapfrog difference schemes with weighting coefficients obtained by minimizing the approximation error. The estimate of the approximation error of the proposed difference scheme shows that, for small Courant numbers, this scheme whose approximation error is O(ch2), where the constant c is significantly less than unity, is preferable to use than the original Upwind and Standard Leapfrog schemes whose approximation errors are O(h2). The numerical results for the transfer problem based on the proposed scheme are compared with the results obtained using the following schemes: (i) the scheme based on a linear combination of the Standard Leapfrog scheme and the Upwind Leapfrog scheme and (ii) the two-parameter difference scheme of the third order of accuracy.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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