Numerical simulation of gas dynamic and physical-chemical processes in hypersonic flows past bodies


  • K.N. Volkov
  • V.N. Emelyanov
  • A.G. Karpenko


hypersonic flow
computational fluid dynamics
real gas
finite volume method
shock wave


Numerical simulation of gas dynamic and physical-chemical processes in hypersonic flows past bodies of various shapes is considered. The mathematical model includes the gas dynamics equations of real gases and the equations of chemical kinetics describing equilibrium processes in high-temperature air. The finite volume method and various finite difference schemes for the discretization of convective fluxes are used to discretize the governing equations. The capabilities of the numerical procedure are demonstrated by the solution of a number of problems in physical-chemical gas dynamics. The calculations are performed using general-purpose graphics processor units. The computational time achieved with the use of various finite difference schemes and the approaches to describe the properties of high-temperature air are discussed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

K.N. Volkov

V.N. Emelyanov

A.G. Karpenko

St Petersburg University
• Associate Professor


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 How to cite   
Ryabov G.G. On the path coding of k-faces in an n-cube // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2008. 9, No 1. 16–18.


Ryabov G. , (2008) “On the path coding of k-faces in an n-cube,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16–18.


G. Ryabov, “On the path coding of k-faces in an n-cube,” Numerical Methods and Programming 9, no. 1 (2008): 16–18


Ryabov G. On the path coding of k-faces in an n-cube. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2008;9(1):16–18.(In Russ.).